How employee Gps loacation tracking and online reporting is useful ?

Employee Gps Time Tracking & Reporting Android Mobile App

Problems of field staff

100% Solution for

field staff's problems is

"VAYAK StaffCare Mobile Apps"

For field Staff online reporting
and Gps base location tracking.

More detail feature...

Staff controlling and Monitoring Problems

Location Tracking is not Possible

Instead of going in field, Staff stay Full day at home and do false reporting, that he is in field.

False Reporting of Working Hours in Field

Staff reach late at decided place & left it earlier, meet less party & do false reporting to show his performance..
Ex. Your field working time is 10.00 am - 6.00 pm (8 hours) but, Staff reach their at 11.30 am and left at 3.30 pm (4 hours)

staff at home

Solution :- Staff Location

Current Location of staff can be seen from here.

Benefit :-

(1) Admin can see that staff reached in field or not to increase their performance
(2) if any inquiry or complain from the area nearby the staff location than transfer it for fast solution
(3) If staff is in any trouble like accident or health problem company can see his location to help


Solution :- Staff Route

Staff's route on which he move full day that can be seen here

Benefit :-

1) Staff reached in field as per planing at proper time & left it at proper time or not.
2) On which route he has travel that also can be known to admin

Staff-route information

On line Data Entry is not Possible

Delay in Reporting :-

Marketing & service staff gives reporting data at office weekly. So, online latest data is not available.

Computer Operator Salary. :-

Company has to do additional salary exp. of computer operator for data entry when data came to office.


False Expense & Info. by Staff

False Expenses & Info. :-

Online and on Time data entry is not possible, So Chance of False Expense & Information.

Delay :-

Staff gives Expense detail when comes at office. Up to that time tickets & other proof might lost.


Delay Reporting of Collection & Sales

Collection :-

How much cash / cheque staff has collected is not known to Office.

Not Know to office :-

Out of that collection, How much he has deposited in our bank a/c is not known to office. and How much collection is with him is also not known to office.

field staff online reporting

Problem of Leave Sanction

Lack of past Leave information :-

When staff apply for leave, Admin don’t have proper online information of his past leaves. like which type of leave he has taken for how many days ?

Department wise Cross verification :-

Difficulty to find which staff of same department is absent during that same period.


Difficult to know Sales & Commission

Difficulty :-

To know online staff’s sales & commission is difficult for staff & office

Collection & Commission :-

Difficult for staff to know how much target he has achieved & how much commission he will get ?


Problem Complain/Inquiry Management

Complain / Inquiry Entry and Location base transfer

Reception or staff has to maintain complain manually or in some software.
But As staff’s current location is not known, new complain transfer is difficult for instant support to customers.

Handover Complain / Inquiry Problem and Problem in viewing Current status

To handover complain/Inquiry and keep watch on that is a big problem. After handover complain to staff, that complain is closed or not that can’t be know


Future Tour Plan is difficult to convey.

Plan assignment :-

Assign the future tour plan personally to each staff is difficult & time consuming.

Changes :-

There may be changes in tour plans, Convey that changes to Staff is also a big problem.


Difficult to maintain Latest data of Party

Latest Data management :-

To transfer the latest data of party like name, address, phone no. etc. from office to field staff & Field staff to office is very difficult..


Solution of your all field staff problem

"Vayak Staff Care mobile base Solution"